Severe toothache usually caused by deep dental caries. Root canal treatment (RCT) will be proposed to save to tooth if the tooth already suffered irreversible pulpitis (severe inflammation of pulp tissue), or acute periapical peridontitis (acute inflammation of periodontal tissue around the root tip).
Wonder what will be done during the first visit of RCT?
Here is the answer....
Deep caries that involved pulp tissueRemoved all the caries tooth structureTemporary build up the wall structure Isolate the tooth with rubber damExplore and determine the apical foremen of the rootGet the location of apical foramen, usually 0.5mm from apex of the root tipCleaning & shaping the canal with file, and disinfection the canal wall with chemical solution, and rinse with normal salineCanal medicament with non-setting Calcium Hydroxide, to continue disinfection of the canal for another 2 to 3 weeks.Temporary closed the cavity with temporary dressing material
It takes 45 minutes to one hour for single or 2 canal's tooth, and 1-1.5 hours for molars. Yup, that's it for the first visit.
If the initial pain is due to irreversible pulpitis, the pain should be gone after this treatment. If it is due to acute periapical periodontitis, the pain may need a few more days to totally disappear. Hence, you may need some analgesic drug (pain killer) to standby.
Okay, see you in next visit.