MOUTH BREATHING Mouth breathing is caused by a deficiency in size of the nasal passageways and poor performance of the tongue and airway. If there is not enough space for the air to flow through the nose, than people will need to open the mouth to meet basic oxygen demands. Researchers conclude that mouth breathing might lead to changes in the posture of the head and neck, and that chronic mouth breathing can result in an "adenoid face". This type of facial structure involves a narrow upper dental arch, changes in incisors, an imperfect lip seal and increased facial height.
In the case below, the staining on both upper central incisors in this child is an obvious sign of mouth breathing. The stain didn't cover the whole tooth because the upper portion of the tooth surface are protected by the upper lip.
Due to prolong mouth breathing, he will have an imperfect lip seal, also known as incompetent lips. The mouth will keep open all the time.
The stain usually can be removed by prophylaxis paste during cleaning and polishing. Permanent staining seldom happen but sometime may show some dehydration patch.
The common excuses of mouth breathing that patients mentioned is block nose, or sinus problems, which actually is the consequences of mouth breathing, not the cause of it!
The mouth kept opened while he at rest, and mouth breathing continue. A tongue lift and breathing exercise should be carry out to change his breathing pattern. Please visit us to learn about the exercise.